Recently I had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of another up-and-coming fantasy author, and I thought y’all might like to meet him. He just recently released the second in his Dark Realm Series, Reapers of the Dark Realm: The Hunt Begins, and it is already gaining quite some momentum in the fantasy circles. His stuff has been described as Dungeons & Dragons meets the Witcher which as y’all know, we love both here on the Evercharm Blog. Keep reading below to find out more!
“Pressure is life’s way of removing the masks people wear”
A great quote from the first book in the series, and one that is largely quoted in reviews. Let’s take a gander:
By five may your journey thrive. By five may you return alive.
The idyllic kingdom of Parisia sat nestled securely in the Great Emerald Mountains. For generations, Parisia had known nothing but peace and prosperity. When the elder dragon Draka Mors, steals the Darkstone, the entire realm is threatened. Without the Darkstone, the magic sealing away the Shadow King would fail. His return would bring death and destruction to the world of men.
Desperate, the king of Parisia calls on an unlikely hero, the Disgraced Knight Vale Lox to lead a group of Seekers on the most important quest in a thousand years. To save the realm and everyone they have ever known from the rising shadows of darkness, these misfits must survive hostile lands, enemy armies, unspeakable monsters, and each other in order to retrieve the stone from the dragon’s lair before it’s too late.
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Now the second book just came out in December, and while it only has a few reviews, they have really praised it.
One person said “...the first book felt like a group of DnD players who were having a fun time. They were newer to the game, so their dungeon master had to make sure their shenanigans didn’t go too crazy and make them follow the story….Reapers of the Dark Realm was the same group of DnD players, but they have now played the game for a longer time, and things have gotten more serious.”
How interesting!
“The light only fades when you cease to carry it.”
A new threat arises. A war of dragons is brewing. The day of doom draws near. A child has been born. A child of darkness, destined to tear down the Veil between worlds and bring about the return of the Shadow King, has come. Whoever controls his power, controls the fate of all living things. Alliances are broken. Kingdoms Fall. Even the strongest of friendships are tested. The fate of the realm once again falls on the shoulders of the Seekers.
The Reapers are coming. One of Ash. One of Shadow. One of Desolation. One of Death.
If Lord of the Rings, The Witcher, Mistborn, and Dungeons & Dragons were mixed together into a cake, it would be a Dark Realm cake. Check out book 2 in this new series filled with talking dragons, non-stop action, and banter. Don’t miss out on this epic adventure.
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Growing up I was always a little different. The way I talked, thought, and saw the world wasn’t like everyone else. I got rejected and laughed at a lot. I discovered stories. Stories that took me to places where the problems and troubles I was facing didn’t exist. In the pages of books I could explore other worlds, meeting incredible people, and experience unbelievable adventures. Stories became an escape. A place I could go when reality was too much to take. I didn’t just want to live in these worlds, I wanted to create them. I wanted to build worlds that people like me, who didn’t always feel like they fit in could go. Whether it was to take a break, go on an adventure, or find an escape from an overwhelming storm of life. Even as a young kid, I wanted to dream up worlds other people would want to visit.
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